Am vazut afisul evenimentului "Nasc asa cum vreau" sustinut de o maternitate din Sibiu care promoveaza nasterea naturala si mi-am amintit despre planul de nastere pe care l-am facut impreuna cu doula mea, acum 6 ani, in Des Moines, Iowa, Statele Unite. In ideea ca ar putea sa fie de folos altor mamici, listez mai jos continut acestuia, pentru a putea fi folosit drept model, in cazul in care aveti in vedere o nastere in care sa se tina seama de dorintele voastre si ale partenerilor vostri.
Cand spun ca ar putea sa foloseasca planul nostru drept model, nu ma gandesc ca cineva ar avea aceleasi optiuni ca ale nostre ci ca viitorii parinti pot afla din modelul de mai jos ce lucruri pot fi incluse in planul lor de nastere si ce lucruri pot fi si trebuie discutate cu medicul care va asista nasterea. Planul nostru de nastere a fost prezentat medicului si a facut parte din dosarul meu, alaturi de analizele si sumarul vizitelor din timpul sarcinii.
Mother and Father’s Birth Plan
Cand spun ca ar putea sa foloseasca planul nostru drept model, nu ma gandesc ca cineva ar avea aceleasi optiuni ca ale nostre ci ca viitorii parinti pot afla din modelul de mai jos ce lucruri pot fi incluse in planul lor de nastere si ce lucruri pot fi si trebuie discutate cu medicul care va asista nasterea. Planul nostru de nastere a fost prezentat medicului si a facut parte din dosarul meu, alaturi de analizele si sumarul vizitelor din timpul sarcinii.
Mother and Father’s Birth Plan
Due Date: due date
Birth Facility: ABC Hospital
Doula: Doula's name
We understand that birth can be unpredictable. We present
this birth plan to encourage dialogue and to help us achieve a safe and
satisfying birth. Our baby’s health and well-being is of utmost importance
to us. We look forward to working with you and appreciate your cooperation
in helping our family to achieve our personal birthing goals. We would
like our doula, to be present during all procedures.
• Mother prefers not to have an IV, but will allow a
heparin lock to be used.
• Mother prefers not to have continuous fetal monitoring
unless it becomes medically necessary.
First stage labor:
• If inducing or augmenting labor becomes necessary,
mother would like to try natural methods before using any drugs.
• Mother would like to have freedom of movement and plans
to use the shower and tub along with other comfort techniques to relax.
She will use a predetermined “code word” if she would like to use
medication for pain relief.
Second stage labor:
• Mother very much wants to avoid having an episiotomy.
Please use massage, warm compress to help stretch perineum.
• Mother would like to wait for the urge to push and use
instinctive pushing rather than directed pushing. She would like to push
in whatever positions feel most comfortable.
• Father is not interested in cutting the umbilical cord,
but he wants to be present during all newborn procedures.
• Please cut the umbilical cord after it stops pulsating.
Post birth:
• Mother would like to hold the baby immediately after
birth and postpone newborn procedures until she has had an opportunity to
breastfeed and get to know her new baby.
• We do not wish to have ointment in our baby’s eyes, be
given a Vitamin K shot, or be given the Hepatitis B shot at this time.
Please provide us with the appropriate waivers to sign
• Mother plans to breastfeed. Please do not give any
bottles or pacifiers to the baby.
• We would like as many newborn procedures performed in our
• Should the baby need to go to the nursery, father or mother would like to accompany him.
Cesarean delivery:
• Mother would like father and her doula to be
present during the birth and go with the baby to the nursery if medically
• Mother would like to be conscious and have one hand
free to touch the baby.
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