La zece luni, Andrei e biped si articulat (ma-ma). Convalescent in urma roseolei care nu se diagnosticheaza in Romania ca atare pentru ca nu pot verifica virusul in laborator. Politica strutului, si inregistrarea la capitolul "atipii" care ne strica noua, tuturor statisticile. Toma e la pre-pre-pre-pubertate: sensibil, labil, isteric pe ici pe colo, simpatic si 'teligent mai tot timpul.
marți, 24 ianuarie 2012
duminică, 15 ianuarie 2012
Diferenta dintre mine si mine
Inainte de a fi mama, am fost femeie, fata, fetita, copil, idee, nimic. Intre timp, om. Nu stiu despre a fi parinte mai mult decat altii, nici macar mai mult decat mine inainte de a fi parinte. Invatam impreuna, din mers, copiii sa fie ne fie copii si noi sa le fim parinti. Ne adaptam asteptarile, rabdarile si dorintele pe parcurs si facem mici compromisuri ori negocieri la fiecare pas. Rezulta un joc cu suma pozitiva la care participa activ toate cele patru personalitati in formare.
A nins masiv, cand leganat, cand viscolit, si am iesit cu Toma la sanie si varii constructii de zapada. Andrei a inceput sa mearga vineri-13 in ciuda unei febre de natura necunoscuta si a incarcaturii superstitioase a zilei.
Ma bucur de potentialul proiectului "casa" si ma gandesc destul de des si la alte variante creative de a fi utila. Mi-e drag de fotografie, [portrete de] copii, arhitectura si decor.
duminică, 1 ianuarie 2012
2012 or how to fill in the blanks
Brand new year, brand new me! New and improved, older but wiser, hopeful and ready for another awesome year. We have accomplished more than I had hoped for last year, yet I feel tired and a little depressed. Maybe less is more. So, this time I wish far simpler things, like sleeping more, eating less, laughing better and loving it all.
Less browsing, more reading,
Less shopping, more giving,
Less driving, more walking,
Less talking, more thinking.
We're done having kids, now we need to find the balance between their needs and schedules and ours. We're done moving across the ocean, now we need to find that place where we can unpack and settle and enjoy every moment together. I'm very grateful for everything that lead me here; just need to learn to relax, breath and smile!
Less browsing, more reading,
Less shopping, more giving,
Less driving, more walking,
Less talking, more thinking.
We're done having kids, now we need to find the balance between their needs and schedules and ours. We're done moving across the ocean, now we need to find that place where we can unpack and settle and enjoy every moment together. I'm very grateful for everything that lead me here; just need to learn to relax, breath and smile!
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Nu am mai călătorit cu trenul de o veșnicie, ce-i drept o veșnicie mică, de douăzeci de ani. Port negru pentru că îmi imaginez că mă îndrept...