vineri, 4 mai 2018


I was left with no choice,
out of arguments,
out of nowhere,
shaking and thirsty, eyes closed
Because I always believed
that if I do not see it,
it is not real
But the unseen
was crazy beautiful
and madly scary
Despite its intensity,
it left me at peace

Crystal-winged butterflies
cut through my stomach,
spilling illicit emotions

My mind was diluted,
my heart hungry for more
I was the road,
the race,
the rain,
the thoughts train

The sky was burning
under the rainbow and
I was thinking that love
is not a promise nor it is eternal
I was thinking that life and eros
are one ethereal, eerie,
transforming and flowing journey.
That gave me an elusive sense of content

All I really wanted
was to run faster than myself

the sky that day

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